Opening Times
The sailing season runs from the end of March to the end of October (BST). For the exact dates, please see the Sailing Calendar. Sailing takes place on four days per week, with two sessions for social sailing, and two sessions for racing. There is something suitable for everyone to get on the water.
Sailing Season Opening
Thursdays 18:00 to Dusk Entry Into Racing for Novices 2 Pursuit Races (Selected Times of The Year, please refer to the calendar.) | Saturdays 13:00 to 17:00 Social Sailing |
Fridays 18:30 to Dusk Social Sailing & Coaching (Selected Times of The Year, please refer to the calendar.) | Sundays Club opens at 12:30, Racing starts promptly at 13:00 Racing finishes approx. 16:30 Racing Only 1 Pursuit, 2 Handicap (exc. August) Note that on Cup events the club usually opens at 11:00 and racing starts at 11:30 but this can vary. |
Off Season Opening
The club bar is open every first, third and fifth Friday of the month from 7:30 during the off season. The club also remains active during the off-season with social events and winter working parties
Model Yachts
Please refer to the Model Yachts Page. Model Yacht sailing is year-round but times vary dependent on season.
Last updated 11:13 on 24 March 2025