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Home / News / Ely Cadets Brave The Broads

Ely Cadets Brave The Broads

1446499 orig
Published 09:05 on 16 Jun 2024

Yesterday, Saturday 15th June, 9 Ely SC cadets took to the Norfolk Broads for a day sailing in beautiful, traditional wooden boats. 3 reefed boats left a sunny Hunters Yard just before 11 with the 2 Rebel boats out in front with Buff Tip following soon after.

Up to Acle Bridge saw some challenging beating with a perfect opportunity to brush up on tacking and motor cruiser awareness. Certain helms got a little friendly with some reeds at times but all made it to Acle, a little soggy as by then the weather had taken a turn for the worse.

The weather didnt play kindly and all 9 cadets and 6 grown ups spent 2 hours hiding from thunder and lightning. A few hot chocolates later and then started the run back to Hunters Yard in the sunshine.

The sunshine didnt last too long though and the speedy run and reach back to Hunters, aided by a favourable tide, saw the raincoats make another appearance. Looking forward was beautiful blue skies but the black clouds pursued us most of the way back. Despite some challenging winds and rain, all the cadets managed the boats wonderfully and hopefully had a chance to develop their sailing confidence. And of course, there was a touch of competitive cruising at times.

Fortunately, it was dry in time for the derigging and 3 boats were safely tucked up for the night. Despite the weather, there were lots of tired, smiley faces at the end of the day!

Well done to all the Cadets & a big thank you to the adult volunteers.

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Last updated 10:33 on 18 August 2024

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